Friday, 12 June 2015


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17th June 2015

Our focus book for the past couple of weeks has been
The Very Hungry Caterpillar- written by Eric Carle. The chilidren have enjoyed lots of fantastic activities based on this story, and we have decided to do a very special retelling of it in our class assembly which is next Thursday 25th June, we hope to see you all there!

We made some lovely caterpillars by cutting green felt, it was quite tricky and the children had to concentrate carefully.

Learning about life cycles & growth
Our wriggly little tadpoles have finally started to change into froglets! We released them back into the pond so they can continue to grow .

We were so lucky on Thursday because Mrs Bigley brought her puppies into school before they went to live with their new forever families. They are called Stanley, Primrose & Dexter and we thought that they were very cute indeed!


Our caterpillars have grown so quickly and they have already made themselves cozy little cocoons to rest in & hopefully soon they will emerge as beautiful butterflies!

In Phonics we have been learning some new sounds, which are very tricky but the children have managed to pick them up very quickly.
Please make sure that you are listening to your child read every day, they are making fabulous progress and I want that to continue as they prepare for the transition to Year 1.

In Mathematics we have been revising a range of concepts such as addition & subtraction, halving & doubling, patterns & symmetry. Last week we were learning about money and the children were learning to recognise coins up to £1, as well as finding combinations of coins to pay for items in our garden centre role play area.

Doubling & halving the spots on a ladybird

Continuing a pattern on a caterpillar with pom-poms
We have had some new computers installed in the classroom and the children have really enjoyed exploring the fabulous EYFS software. The favourite activity is definitely painting & typing!

Come back soon to see what else we have been learning :-)


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